There’s a new dangerous pesticide on the block: Sulfoxaflor. And it’s been found to reduce bee colonies by half.
Now massive pesticide corporation Dow Chemical is lining up to replace banned bee-killing neonicotinoids with this toxic “replacement”.
The good news is we’re winning the argument to save the bees. If hundreds of thousands of us complain to the EU about Sulfoxaflor -- so soon after its historic neonic ban -- we could persuade it to protect the bees further. And the EU has just done a formal review of Sulfoxaflor, so it’s the perfect time to push it!
Will you sign the petition to help stop this disastrous new pesticide in its tracks?
Research published in the prestigious Nature journal has found that exposure to Sulfoxaflor reduced both the size of bumblebee colonies and the number of offspring produced by a whopping 54 per cent!
Bees are one of the world’s most important pollinators of food crops. One third of the food we eat relies on bees to pollinate it -- from avocados to broccoli, and cherries to squash.
But the United Nations has warned that 40% of invertebrate pollinators – particularly bees and butterflies – risk global extinction.
And the evidence is clear: toxic pesticides are poisoning bee populations.
By signing the petition, you’ll help to kickstart a new campaign and put pressure on decision makers to veto this latest threat to bees, like they did for bee-killing neonics earlier this year. We’re calling for Sulfoxaflor to be stopped, and for all pesticides to be tested to the same stringent standards as the three neonics that got banned.
We can’t sit back while pesticide corporations like Dow Chemical replace banned pesticides with toxic Sulfoxaflor, that acts just like a neonic on bees.
Thanks to pressure from thousands of SumOfUs members, beekeepers and environmental groups, France recently decided that it will ban new pesticides that act like neonics, including Sulfoxaflor. This is an important precedent for the EU to build on with a Europe-wide ban!
As well as using the law, SumOfUs members are expert at using the media and online pressure to sway decision makers and companies to do the right thing for the bees. Over 650,000 of us signed the petition for a ban on nasty neonics, putting huge pressure on Europe’s politicians -- and winning in April last year!
SumOfUs members like you have worked so hard to achieve bans on bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides around the world -- now we need to make sure the banned pesticides aren’t just replaced with another harmful chemical.
More information
EU member states support near-total neonicotinoids ban
BBC. 27 April 2018.
BBC. 27 April 2018.
New pesticides may harm bees as much as existing ones – study
The Guardian. 16 August 2018.
The Guardian. 16 August 2018.