Despite alarming evidence of health dangers, the European Commission is rushing to approve weedkillers like Monsanto's deadly Roundup for another 15 years.
The world's top cancer experts are scratching their heads in disbelief. According to the World Health Organisation, the chemical contained in Roundup can cause cancer. It's so pervasive that it is found everywhere: in our bread, our tampons, and even in breast milk.
But it's not too late to stop the decision.
Government officials are voting on Monday in Brussels. France has already said it will oppose the re-approval of glyphosate. But lobbyists from Monsanto, Syngenta and Co. are out in full force to make sure other countries vote for its approval. Can you help remind our politicians who they are actually working for? Let's give them a hint: it's us!
Can you chip in to stop another 15 years of Monsanto pesticides in Europe?
Brussels is swarming with lobbyists working for the biggest corporate bigwigs. There are 1071 lobbyists for each EU Commissioner. You do the maths. We need your help now to help us raise the concerns of people in Europe and around the world like you and me. We can't let the lobbyists win this one.
And we have a great plan: with your donation we will fund ads all over European capitals in the lead up to the decision. We will bombard policy makers from all sides. And finally, we are planning to fund research to look into our favourite food and drinks -- we have an inkling we might find glyphosate in all of them. Just last week it was revealed that most German beers contain the poisonous glyphosate.
Once we have those studies proving how Monsanto's weedkiller is in everything we love, the negative publicity will add pressure on governments to phase out or at the very least restrict glyphosate use. Help us fund our ambitious plans by chipping in now.
France has banned the sale of Monsanto's Roundup to amateur gardeners after a report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) ruled that the pesticide is "probably carcinogenic." Now's the time to demand that the rest of Europe follow suit and ban the harmful, cancer-causing toxin.
Monsanto has called the WHO's report "junk science" -- a pretty alarming dismissal of the leading authority on world health. But we expect nothing less from the agro-chemical behemoth, which has done nothing but treat any science that exposes the reckless dangers of its products with contempt.\
That's where we come in. SumOfUs was created to stand up to multinational corporations by organising consumers around the world over the Internet. We're counting on you to help us win this one.
Will you donate to help get the message to EU politicians loud and clear? We need a ban on Monsanto's glyphosate now.
More information
Monsanto sues to keep herbicide off California list of carcinogens
Reuters. 21 January 2016.
Reuters. 21 January 2016.
European commission plans to relicense controversial weedkiller
The Guardian. 24 February 2016.
The Guardian. 24 February 2016.