How well do you know the UK's monsters of the deep?

Forget witches on broomsticks, did you know our weird and wonderful coastal waters are full of spooky sights too? Hardly anyone can get these questions right -- take our quiz to test your knowledge!

Jellyfish are pretty ghostly looking creatures, and there are six types of these ghoulish jellies found in the UK. But what do you call a group of them?

Shark attack! Thresher sharks were recently spotted off the coast of which county?

Spooky thought, might a company be fooling us? M&S sells Lochmuir Scottish salmon. Where is Lochmuir?

Red devilish lobsters live in our seas. But how do these creepy crustaceans communicate with each other?

The horror! All of these beautiful creatures are native to Scotland. One of them is shot regularly to protect fish farms. Which one is it?

Which of these nightmarish sights might you see at a salmon farm?

While we’re tallying your score...

Did you know that salmon farming is wreaking havoc on the UK’s incredible marine life? Plastic isn’t the only thing destroying our seas -- industrial fish farming is too. If you haven’t already, add your name to the petition to clean up reckless salmon farming before it’s too late!

Take Action

The Scottish Government and Scottish Environment Protection Agency: Take urgent action to improve the welfare of Scottish salmon and salmon farming pollution by committing to the following: enforcing the Animal Health & Welfare (2006) Act with respect to farmed salmon; monitoring effluent from salmon farms and processing plants; testing for viruses, pathogens, diseases and bacteria

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