The TPP could get passed in the "lame duck" period after the US election.
Not many people know that, and that's why we've been asked to help sponsor a huge rock n roll showcase with our partners to help spread the word.
Can you imagine the Brexit-level outrage when people realise they haven't been given all the info once the deal is passed?!
If the Trans-Pacific Partnership passes, it could make crucial, life-saving medicines unaffordable for people like you and me. It could give corporations licence to trash our environment. The scariest part is that the TPP gives corporations the right to sue our governments in secret courts for laws they don’t like.
We need your help now to scale up the pressure and give ourselves the best chance of stopping the TPP.
Can you please chip in to stop the dangerous TPP?
This is the biggest trade deal that most people have never heard of. And that’s no coincidence -- leaders don’t want people to know about it because everyone would be against it if they did.
The TPP is being negotiated between the US and Pacific Rim countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
Reputable institutions like the World Bank have made it crystal clear that the deal will bring little economic benefit to the signatory countries.
The rock concerts are a guaranteed way to get more press coverage.
We'll have our message on a huge blimp outside of every concert, as well as at least five massive press conferences with big celebrity names.
That means there are five opportunities over five weeks for as many people to hear our message as possible.
Hundreds of thousands of us don’t want the TPP to pass. But the TPP has been drafted in a way that means it could slip through after the US election.
But with you, we can stop this from happening.
What do you say? Will you help us stop the TPP?