Refer your friends to SumOfUs to save Canadian Health Care!

Refer your friends to SumOfUs to save Canadian Health Care!

This will be the email you will be sending to your friends:


SumOfUs, a non-profit organization that I am a member of, just won an incredible campaign to save the whales at SeaWorld. I really want you to join them too cause I know you love whales and want to hold corporations accountable.

It's free to join, and you will get some interesting emails from them a few times a week about what you can do to take on corporations that are misbehaving! You can unsubscribe from them at any time.

Click here to check them out:

You’re already a SumOfUs member? Please refer your friends to join SumOfUs too:

Ekō will protect your privacy, and keep you updated about this and similar campaigns.