When Trump takes office January 20, progressive climate action will be one of the first items on his chopping block. We need global leaders to take action now to ratify the Paris climate agreement before Trump takes office and threatens to derail the agreement altogether.
Trump is a disaster for any hopes that the world’s second largest polluter will take steps to curb irreversible climate change. He has called human-caused climate change a “hoax,” while vowing to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency altogether.
We can’t let a President Trump derail the historic climate deal that more than 190 countries agreed to last year in Paris. With mere months until Trump takes office, it’s crucial that global leaders stop delaying and ratify the Paris climate deal NOW to show Trump the world means business when it comes to tackling climate change.
Tell world leaders to ratify the Paris climate deal before Donald Trump takes office.
Last year’s Paris agreement is our last, best hope at a coordinated global effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions enough to avoid irreversible global warming. Otherwise, we can expect more of the rising sea levels, extreme droughts, and food shortages that have already wrought havoc across the world.
Now is the time to press forward with ratifying the Paris agreement. Just days after the U.S. election, Australia’s government ratified the agreement -- a signal to Donald Trump that global efforts to stop climate change must continue.
On January 20, the U.S. will have a climate denier in the Oval Office. That’s why it’s more important than ever that global leaders come together to ratify the Paris agreement and commit to taking on climate change head on. We need to show Trump the fight against climate change will only grow stronger.
More information
New York Times. 11 November 2016.