Take a moment to check the pale yellow carton of eggs in your refrigerator. It might not contain what you think. That’s because one corporation, Palace Poultry, is making a fortune purposely deceiving the customers of Countdown supermarkets with eggs that are being marketed as free range, but aren’t.
A shocking news expose reveals the disturbing truth. Surveillance photos show an executive from Palace Poultry driving his truck to nearby egg wholesaler Eco Foods. Just minutes later, he emerges with pallets containing hundreds of eggs raised by hens in battery cages. The vast majority of hens raised under these conditions are denied natural behaviors, and are among some of the most confined in the agriculture business. Animal advocates and Countdown customers everywhere deserve to have a choice about what they are consuming.
Sign the petition and demand that Countdown supermarkets crack down on companies like Palace Poultry for false advertising and deceiving unassuming customers.
The free-range egg industry promises big money to farmers. Unfortunately, corporations have little regulation to ensure transparency about the products sold. That’s how Palace Poultry’s fraudulent and greedy actions were able to happen undetected for almost two years.
Almost 13,000 of the eggs were sold with customers believing they were consuming a product with improved animal welfare standards. We can work together to help protect animals and consumer while putting a stop to corporate deception.
Sign the petition and demand that
Countdown supermarkets stop companies like Palace Poultry from defrauding
More information
stuff.co.nz. 13 March 2017.