Great news! A pilot project has just received 1 million euros from the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets to promote more ethical and more effective alternatives to animal testing. But it’s not in the bag yet.
Tell MEPs to vote for the pilot project to promote alternatives to animal testing.
This innovative pilot project will make it easier to evaluate and to validate new alternatives to animal testing in the EU. It will also increase and spread the use of existing alternatives. The French association One Voice has done valuable lobbying in support of the project.
To ensure that industries that still use animal testing actually change their practices, the pilot project will directly target scientists, doctors, vets and relevant industrialists through training and educational campaigns. A truly winning combination!
Tell MEPs that you’re sick and tired of animal testing.
The SumOfUs community has often contributed to the EU adopting policies that ensure that profits take a back and that the welfare of living beings comes first. Our greatest victory has certainly been this summer’s restriction of glyphosate use. By coming together, we can protect animals and promote scientific methods that are not only more ethical but also more effective.
Ask MEPs to vote in favour of this innovative pilot project to accelerate the shift from animal testing to more effective and ethical alternatives.
More information
[in French] Un pas de plus vers la fin de l’expérimentation animale
Press release. 29 September 2016.
Press release. 29 September 2016.
A European project that urgently needs our support
One Voice. 5 October 2016.
One Voice. 5 October 2016.