The disastrous Energy East pipeline project is on a knife's edge -- and it’s up to us to stop it.
All three members of the National Energy Board panel were forced to resign last week after it was revealed they met with a TransCanada consultant to discuss Energy East. Greater Montreal mayors and First Nations have already sworn this pipeline will never get built. In short, this pipeline is a mess.
US President Barack Obama just showed the world what it means to stand up to oil companies when he backed the Sioux Nation’s brave pipeline blockade at Standing Rock. Justin Trudeau has the incredible opportunity to show Canadians he walks the talk when it comes to Indigenous rights and halting climate change.
Justin Trudeau, stand up for Canadians -- not for Big Oil. Reject the Energy East pipeline.
We don’t have to repeat that if Canada doesn’t kick its addiction to fossil fuels, it’s game over for the climate. If completed, Energy East would be the biggest pipeline ever built in North America and would expand Tar Sands production by 40%.
PM Trudeau campaigned on aggressively fighting climate change and showed international leadership at the Paris climate talks pursuing an aggressive 1.5 degree limit to global warming. To be blunt, if Energy East gets approved, that target might as well go up in smoke.
The great strides we’ve all taken together over the past few years has been positively breathless to watch. A few years ago, it seemed like giant pipeline projects would cover every inch of this continent. But we showed Big Oil what can happen when people come together. Keystone XL, Kinder Morgan, Northern Gateway, and now Energy East are now more than ever likely to die on an oil exec’s office floor.
But we need Justin Trudeau to make it final. He’s ready to listen. Let’s make him hear us.
Tell PM Trudeau to make sure Energy East never gets built.
More information
Montreal Gazette. 31 January 2016.
CTV. 12 September 2016.