Since the release of Disney’s popular sequel “Finding Dory,” demand for the exotic Blue Tang fish has surged. And their local populations are under threat in the Indo-Pacific from illegal collection.
Blue Tangs are incredibly difficult to breed in captivity. That means the only way for breeders to meet the growing demand for them as pets is to illegally remove them from their natural habitat. But we can help protect them.
Tell Petco not to sell wild Blue Tang fish.
These small but important blue fish help keep coral reefs clean. If Petco continues to sell wild Blue Tangs as pets, our coral reefs could become overgrown, making them more vulnerable to the effects of climate change. We can’t afford that.
But together, we can get Petco to stop selling wild Blue Tangs. Petco is vulnerable to what consumers think -- especially pet owners -- and it won’t want to land on the wrong side of this one. This Disney movie is creating millions of viewers loyal to the Blue Tang, and we can make sure their devotion keeps the precious fish in the wild.
SumOfUs has been right at the fore of the fight to protect the world’s precious coasts. Over 50,000 SumOfUs members got HSBC Barclays and other major investors to pull out of funding a coal mine project that threatened the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Now, we need your help to push Petco to protect our coral reefs by keeping wild Blue Tangs in the ocean and not in its stores.
Call on Petco to keep the Blue Tang in the ocean and not sell it in its stores.
More information
National Geographic. 19 July 2016.
CBC News. 28 June 2016.
Business Insider. 3 June 2016.