The military-industrial complex is worried.
Congress is seriously discussing cutting the Pentagon’s bloated budget for the first time in years. And with President Obama’s nomination of Senator Hagel for Secretary of Defense, it looks like it might actually happen.
As we speak, lobbyists representing fat-cat Pentagon contractors are lining the halls of Congress -- peddling lies about how cuts to Social Security and Medicare make more sense than reining in the out-of-control Defense Department budget. And some in Congress actually believe them.
The next "fiscal cliff" is coming on March 1st, and these greedy defense contractors are claiming they deserve to keep their pet pork projects -- even if it comes at our expense. We’ve partnered up with USAction to show we won't back down.
Tell Congress to stop putting corporate profits and Pentagon pork over the health and safety of our citizens.
The idea that Social Security, which has not contributed even one cent to the deficit, and other vital social safety nets would even be considered as part of a plan on our national debt is outrageous. Meanwhile, some Members of Congress are fighting to shield Pentagon contractors from spending cuts as part of negotiations on the fiscal cliff -- and it only takes a little digging to see why.
In the last election cycle, Pentagon contractors and CEOs donated more than $24 million to influence our elections, and have given over $189 million since 1990. These campaign contributions have given fat-cat Pentagon contractors undue influence over Congress -- and now, for the first time in years, we think we have a real chance stop it.
Click here to join USAction and SumOfUs as we call on Congress to protect Social Security and Medicare, not Pentagon pork projects.