Paycaps, antisocial hours, difficult working conditions: NHS staff have it tough.
Now a judge has ruled 75 NHS employees at a Cardiff hospital have to pay thousands in back payments to private firm Park Indigo.
One staff member reportedly owes over £175,000 in fines and court fees, while nurse Sally Plummer hit headlines after receiving an £80 parking fine -- while she treated a patient going into cardiac arrest.
Hospital staff face a daily struggle for parking, with many racking up fines after being forced to park in spots reserved for visitors. After this ruling, they could face losing their homes -- all over a parking spot.
Let’s tell Park Indigo to drop the back payments and let these NHS staff start with a clean slate.
Park Indigo: drop these excessive back payments!
NHS staff already have the cost of a parking permit taken off their wages -- and that’s if they’re lucky enough to get one, with reports of up to a 3-year waiting list for staff.
Cardiff's University Hospital of Wales employs 6,000 staff but only has 1,800 parking permits. Staff claim a lack of permits mean they are routinely forced to park in unauthorised areas or costly pay-and-display car parks.
Sue Prior, who co-founded the Taff Ely Parking Action Group to offer assistance to staff, said: “It's horrendous. Some of them are broken [after this ruling]. They're scared stiff, petrified, they feel sick. This affects everyone from cleaners to doctors.”
After repeated fines, Sally Plummer left her job as an NHS nurse -- because it was becoming too expensive.
This is a damning indictment. NHS staff shouldn’t face fines for merely turning up to do their jobs.
Our NHS is constantly under threat from private companies trying to make a quick buck -- and SumOfUs members like you have remained vigilant.
Whether it’s forcing Lockheed Martin to withdraw their bid for a contract, or opposing Boots’ drive for profits over safety, thousands of you have stood up to the private companies looking to milk our NHS.
Let’s tell Park Indigo that it’s time to do the right thing and drop the fines, and put our NHS before their own bottom line.
Park Indigo: these fines are excessive and unfair. Drop your claim for back-charges!
More information
The Guardian. 19 July 2017.
The Telegraph. 17 July 2017.