Thousands of orangutans in Borneo are killed every year--shot, starved, and burned to death as their rainforest home is destroyed. Unless action is taken to protect them, they will likely be extinct in ten years.
It's all because of a ruthless effort by the industrial palm oil industry to deforest as much of the island as possible to make room for their destructive palm oil plantations.
As their habitat burns, orangutans go hungry. Many starve, while others leave the forest in a desperate search for food, they're often shot by palm oil plantation workers.
The only way orangutans will be saved is if big food corporations like Pepsi stop buying palm oil from producers that are destroying the orangutans' habitat. Will you chip in to help turn up the pressure on Pepsi before it's too late?
More information
The Guardian. 29 September 2016.
Fortune. 22 August 2016.