As his birth country burns, climate denier Rupert Murdoch has been using his media empire to distract the public from the truth about climate change.
So we got hold of some of the email addresses for employees of Murdoch's empire in Australia - Let's tell them why they should stand up to climate scepticism!
This week a brave employee called out Murdoch's empire, calling their lies around the cause of the Australian mega-fires: "unconscionable"
Lets convince more employees to take a stand!
More information
How Rupert Murdoch Is Influencing Australia’s Bushfire Debate
New York Times. 8 January 2020.
New York Times. 8 January 2020.
Read the leaked email a News Corp Australia employee blasted out
Business Insider. 10 January 2020.
Business Insider. 10 January 2020.