Monsanto is trying to smear a prominent scientist at the heart of the campaign to get glyphosate banned in the EU.
The effort to discredit Dr. Christopher Portier, an American toxicologist who was a special advisor to the IARC report that classified glyphosate as a ‘probably carcinogenic’, is a last-ditch attempt by the multinational to undermine a people-powered campaign that it's losing to.
Concerns about glyphosate are reaching a breaking point -- but we’re closer than ever to getting the dangerous herbicide banned in the EU. Letting Monsanto's bullying tactics go unchallenged now could make the corporation think it can do what it pleases: that’s why we think it’s important to speak up and stand in solidarity with Dr. Portier.
Will you sign our petition and show your support for Dr. Portier, and show Monsanto we won’t be intimidated by its bullying tactics?
We’re so close to a glyphosate-free Europe. Together we’ve created a huge movement to oppose the use of Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing Roundup.
Right now, we need every bit of people power we can get on our side, to fight back against Monsanto and its army of lobbyists. The corporation’s attempts to smear Dr. Portier for the crime of making sure the public are well-informed on this issue is deplorable -- let’s do our part to make sure Monsanto doesn’t win.
Hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members like you have reached across the world to stand with people resisting Monsanto and other agrochemical giants. Thanks to public pressure and sound science, countries like France, Colombia and Sri Lanka have placed restrictions on glyphosate.
I stand in solidarity with Dr. Portier, and all scientists who Monsanto are trying to smear!
We know Monsanto is powerful -- but, when we come together, we’ve shown that we are too!
More information
Corporate Europe. 19 October 2017.