Update March 4th: Our pressure is working! After receiving a flood of public comments urging it to reject Nestlé's water grab, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has extended the comment period again until April 21, 2017 and scheduled a public hearing for April 12th in Big Rapids.
We've also just learned that the DEQ has asked Nestlé for a rigorous assessment - including data on the impact the pumping would have on wetlands, groundwater, streamflows, fish and other aquatic creatures. If we keep piling on the comments, the DEQ might just stand up for Michigan's water.
Time's running out to stop Nestlé from paying just $200 for a permit to more than double the amount of groundwater it can take from the Muskegon River watershed near Evart to bottle and sell at a massive profit.
Send a comment to The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and we will make sure your comments are submitted straight to the DEQ.
The DEQ has said it wants to hear from Michigan residents -- and it's inviting public comment on Nestlé's plan until April 21st. Let's send a flood of comments its way, so that it can't ignore us.
It's always better to personalize your response, but here are some points you might want to make:
- This is a corporate water grab by Nestlé
- It would risk the Muskegon River watershed and undermine the public water system we all rely on
- We want to see the DEQ hold public hearings statewide so that Michigan residents can have their say on this proposal
And a few sample comments you can take inspiration from:
"I have lived in Michigan all my life and am worried that Nestlé is about to lock down a massive corporate giveaway of precious fresh water in the state of Michigan. We need to stand up to the water bottling behemoth. I am asking the Department of Environmental Quality to reject the plan for Nestlé suck up 100 million gallons of groundwater near Evart for just $200 a year. At the very least, the DEQ should hold hearings statewide so that Michigan residents can have a say about this plan."
"As a Michigan resident, I urge the Department of Environmental Quality to reject the proposal for Nestlé double the amount of groundwater it takes to bottle and sell for profit. This deal is ridiculous. Why are we selling hundreds of gallons of our state's water after the problems we have faced in Flint? And for a mere $200?! Please stop the corporate money grab now."
More information
MLive. 28 February 2017.
Department of Environmental Quality. 3 March 2017.
SumOfUs Flickr page. 28 February 2017.
MLive. 24 January 2017.