Last week, representatives from EU governments met to decide on a game-changing proposal to widen the ban on three infamous bee-killing pesticides.
Sadly, the vote was postponed -- which means there’s still time to convince EU member states to do the right thing.
With Environment Secretary Michael Gove coming out against the dangerous herbicide, we want to see him put his money where his mouth is and push the EU to adopt a total ban on neonics before the crucial vote!
Environment Secretary Michael Gove: we need more powerful voices to come out against neonics -- push the EU to adopt a wider, deeper ban on neonics!
Gove’s support for a neonic ban reverses the government’s previous position on the issue.
“The weight of evidence now shows the risks neonicotinoids pose to our environment, particularly to the bees and other pollinators which play such a key part in our £100bn food industry, is greater than previously understood,” he said.
With flying-insect populations decreasing dramatically across the continent, and new evidence showing neonicotinoids have damaged our rivers and landscapes, we need the EU to act before it’s too late.
Michael Gove: push your colleagues in the EU to support a ban of neonics across the region!
Together we’ve made huge strides towards ridding the world of neonic pesticides. Canada is considering a ban on one of the industry’s most popular neonicotinoids, and France is poised to institute a total ban by 2018. But in order to ensure a liveable future for the bees -- and all of us -- we need to come together now to push for a total ban of bee-killing neonics in Europe.
The momentum is on our side: let’s make it count.
More information
The Guardian. 13 December 2017.
The Guardian. 9 November 2017.