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People and planet over profit
Member survey: tell us what you think
Thanks for taking this quick and easy survey. Information gathered will be used to help us communicate with members like you better, and decide what issues to prioritise.
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Gender identity (optional)
How would you describe your cultural background? (optional)
*Your cultural background is the cultural/ethnic group(s) to which you feel you belong or identify. This background may be the same as your parents, grandparents, or your heritage, or it may be the country you were born in or have spent a great amount of time in, or you feel more closely tied to.
Select the top 3 issues you think SumOfUs should be prioritising right now.
Health equity e.g. standing up to Big Pharma
Digital rights e.g. standing up to Big Tech
Animal welfare e.g. stopping salmon producers killing seals
Climate justice e.g. stopping the fossil fuel industry
Stopping toxic pesticide sales
Fighting corporate corruption in governments
Stopping human rights violations
Protecting biodiversity e.g. fighting for responsible palm oil
Do you have any ideas for issues we should be campaigning on?