We want to know what you think

Please answer the questions below to help guide our campaigns in 2023. 
How concerned are you about the way Big Tech companies like Facebook and Google operate?
How concerned are you about the spread of misinformation/disinformation on Big Tech platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Twitter?
Which of the following types of harmful content are you most concerned about? Rank them from 1-5 with 5 being extremely concerned and 1 being not at all concerned.
Many who are opposed to the regulation of Big Tech cite free speech as the main reason. Please rank the following statements from 1-5 with 5 being strongly agree and 1 being strongly disagree
Which, if any, of the following consequences of social media do you feel concerned about? Rank them from 1-5, with 5 being extremely concerned and 1 being not at all concerned.
How strongly would you support tougher government regulation in the following areas? Rank them from 1-5, with 5 being extremely supportive and 1 being strongly oppose
Companies and governments are racing to develop technology using artificial intelligence (AI). AI uses data to learn, develop patterns, and execute actions based on what it’s learning. It’s how social media algorithms, self-driving cars, and facial recognition technology operate. How concerned are you with the potential harms of AI technology?
Which of the following issues pertaining to AI do you find the most concerning. Please rank them from 1-5 with 5 being extremely concerned and 1 being not at all concerned.
How often do you use the following social media or traditional media platforms?
How likely are you to take action against Big Tech in 2023 with SumOfUs?
Which activities are you most interested in participating in? Rank them from 1-5 with 5 being most interested.