Imagine sleeping in a baby's crib. Now imagine living in that crib - and nowhere else - for the next few months.
Now you have some sense of what it's like to be a cow at Grange Dairy. The Marks & Spencer supplier forces 1,000 calves, many more than six months old, to live in plastic hutches built for 8-week old calves. Most have gaping sores, and footage taken by Animal Equality UK shows that they are practically crippled, unable to take steps forward or back.
These calves are being reared for a long grueling life of producing milk for Marks & Spencer. This is only the beginning of their ordeal.
As the Guardian's Chas Newkey Burden points out, cows only produce milk when pregnant. So starting at fifteen months, each of these cows will likely be locked in a pen, impregnated, and pumped with hormones to ensure 'an unnatural amount of milk production.' Instead of holding the normal two litres in her udder, she may be forced to carry as much as 20. After birth, the baby is removed and the whole process starts over again till she eventually collapses from exhaustion; when she will then be taken to the slaughterhouse.
It's time to put an end to this cruelty. In 2015 over 300,000 SumofUs members stood up to demand Merck, Sharp and Dohme (MSD) cut all ties with horse blood farms, which helped bring an end to the practice in Europe. It's time to stand together with Animal Equality and demand an end to the cruelty in places like Grange Dairy and other farms.
Tell Marks & Spencer: Stop profiting from animal suffering. Cut ties with Grange Dairy and get all animal cruelty out of your supply chain now.
More information
Metro News. 28 March 2017.
The Guardian. 30 March 2017.