Making Sustainability a Reality at the G20

Making Sustainability a Reality at the G20

Making Sustainability a Reality at the G-20

Ahead of the upcoming G20 meeting in Buenos Aires this week, new reports revealed that the United States is trailing every other country in the group in making progress towards the G20’s joint sustainable development goals.

We know that corporations have too much power in the world. And the G20 is a perfect opportunity to change that. Unfortunately, the way things are going at the summit, we don’t think that going to happen. Which is why SumOfUs members like you are standing out at the G-20 counter protests to make our voices heard.

The theme of this year’s summit is “Building consensus for fair and sustainable development.” But how can we have sustainable development if corporations are running the show?

Some key issues they will be discussing at the summit are:

  1. Sustainable food future,
  2. Trade, and
  3. Climate change.

Each of these issues have the same thing in common – corporate influence.

If we don’t start curbing the power of corporate power, there will be no way to make a real difference. As the world’s leading economy, and home to many of the world’s largest multinational corporations, the United States must do better - and that starts by living up to the commitments it makes on the global stage. Failure to do so will drive a global race to the bottom that will further hurt workers and consumers in the US and around the world.

If these countries don’t come together to put more restrictions on corporate power now at the G20, then things will continue to get worse. We will continue this global race to the bottom that will further hurt workers and consumers around the world.