In January of 2015, Shell's Seibou oil facility leaked 550 barrels of crude oil into the Ogboinbiri River in Nigeria. The river is a source of fresh water for several communities and the spill contaminated the drinking water of thousands of people.
Despite this, and despite the fact that Shell hid the spill for two months, it is refusing to pay damages to the communities along the river.
The spill was the result of equipment failure and is obviously Shell's fault. However, the multi-billion dollar corporation is refusing to pay compensation.
Will you sign today and make Shell pay?
Living without access to local clean water is an unthinkable challenge that no community should have to face. The residents along the Ogboinbiri River and its connecting waterways, all of which were contaminated, need compensation for this.
Shell thinks that it can get away with this environmentally and socially irresponsible behaviour. We're here to let them know that the world is watching and they must pay for the damages they have caused.
Thousands of people had polluted water for months because Shell didn't want to pay for clean-up. Now they're trying to avoid responsibility yet again.
Sign now to ensure Shell pays for Ogboinbiri River oil spill
More information
Leadership. 23 August 2015.
Daily Trust. 26 January 2017.