Food or fuel? That’s the appalling question people all over the world are facing in light of the rise in the cost of living.
But there is one key thing governments can do to stop making people pay the price: make public transport free!
We know it is not impossible because it is already happening: two months ago, Luxembourg became the first country in the world to offer nationwide free public transport. Malta will make public transport free for all as of October 1. Already over 100 cities worldwide such as Taichung, Miami and Velenje are providing free public mobility services, with people, local economies and the planet reaping the rewards.
Now let's bring this free transit revolution to each of our cities by demanding lawmakers follow suit.
As leaders kowtow to oil producers, more than ever we need a massive public push for governments to support the most impoverished and marginalised, and they can do so by making sure everyone can move freely.
Let's come together now during this crisis and make that happen.
Free mobility has it all, it is the silver bullet. Using trains, trams and buses, rather than cars, reduces air pollution, fuel consumption and our dependence on fossil fuels.
The Ukraine war has exposed, yet again, our shameful reliance on fossil fuels. And instead of enacting innovative solutions, leaders are sprinting into the arms of dictators of authoritarian regimes.
Some governments are starting to take action. Germany has introduced a heavily discounted monthly transportation pass, letting people in Germany ride regional public transport for less than ten euros for three months. New Zealand has halved the price of public transport.
But it is not enough. Sign here to ask your government to make public transport free!
More information
New York Times. 14 January 2020.
Fare free public transport. 1 June 2022.
DW. 1 May 2022.