Right now there are over 3500 court cases against chemical giant DuPont for dumping a known carcinogen, C8, into the Ohio River. C8 has been linked to ulcerative colitis, kidney cancer, thyroid disease and testicular cancer, yet DuPont refuses to acknowledge the scientific evidence.
The huge corporation is putting thousands of people through long, drawn-out court cases because it refuses to take responsibility for purposefully dumping waste by-products into the river.
This must stop! Sign now and tell DuPont to take responsibility for dumping carcinogens in the Ohio River.
At least three plaintiffs have already won cases against DuPont and gained compensation for the health impacts of the dumping of C8 into the Ohio River. DuPont needs to own up to its mistake and settle with the remaining 3500 plaintiffs instead of dragging them through expensive court battles.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs have argued, successfully, that DuPont never informed citizens of the risks from the water and that it knew for decades about the carcinogenic effects of C8.
DuPont has been evading doing the right thing in order to line its pockets, at the detriment of thousands of people.
It's time to act now -- let DuPont know that it can't get away with poisoning our waters.
More information
Environmental Leader. 21 December 2016.