We all know about the crowds, the fist fights, and the tug-of-wars over the last TV in the shop. But there’s one thing you don’t hear so much about on Black Friday - and that’s the tax dodging.
Corporations like Amazon are licking their lips at the prospect of making hundreds of millions of pounds on Black Friday this week - but, thanks to their incredibly aggressive tax dodging schemes, they will pay barely any tax on it. For every £100 it made in the UK last year, Amazon paid just *2 pence* in tax.
If Amazon won't pay its fair share, we need to hit it where it hurts: its sales.
So we’re going to plaster the internet with anti-Amazon ads on Black Friday. Every time a shopper sees Amazon advertising a Black Friday deal, our ad will be sitting right alongside - telling them everything thing they need to know about Amazon’s shocking tax dodging record.
If we can raise £25,000 together, we can show the anti-Amazon ads to a million potential Amazon customers. But we need to hurry: we’ve only got 5 days left to raise the money before Black Friday.
Can you chip in to get these ads online?
Amazon has been brazenly dodging tax for years. Last year, it brought in a staggering £5.3 billion from UK shoppers - but paid barely 0.2% of that in tax. While tax-paying competitors go bankrupt and the poorest in our society struggle with under-funded public services, Amazon is doing everything it can to avoid paying its fair share. And enough is enough!
At the same time, it inflicts horrendous working conditions on its employees. Staff regularly work 80 hour weeks on poverty pay and face annual mass sackings -- intended, in the words of its own HR director, to create a fearful culture of ‘purposeful Darwinism’.
Behind the cheap prices and cheerful branding Amazon is a company that sees taxes as optional and employees as disposable. Black Friday is one of the highlights of the Amazon calendar -- and this year, we’re going to try and spoil its party.
Last year, we plastered ads across the internet shaming Amazon for its tax avoidance. Our ads were seen 1.7 million times -- and we got the attention of the press. We want to do it again this year and make it even bigger -- because it works. There are finally clear signs that Amazon is starting to feel the pressure.
Can you chip in to fund anti-Amazon online ads for Black Friday now? We’ve only got 5 days left to raise the funds.