A federal review panel has just approved a ludicrous plan to dump nuclear waste on the shores of Lake Huron, key to the great lakes system supplying drinking water to 40 million people.
Ontario Power Generation wants to bury 7.1 million cubic feet of low level radioactive waste and discarded reactor core parts at the Bruce Power generating station near Kincardine -- just 1.2 kilometres from Lake Huron.
Dumping nuclear waste next to the largest freshwater system on Earth is a short-sighted gamble, which will leave a poisonous legacy for future generations. Waste material stays radioactive for up to 100,000 years and there is no known way of storing it that ensures it will stay contained over that vast time scale.
We need to be protecting our invaluable natural resources like the Great Lakes, not letting corporations contaminate them. Dozens of communities, state legislators across the border, and environmental groups have been working to stop this dangerous plan before it becomes a reality. Let's join them.
The federal government, through its environment minister, has just months to decide whether to approve the project. Let's speak out now to stop this outrageous plan.
Tell the Environment Minister not to approve Ontario Power Generation's Lake Huron nuclear waste plan. The Great Lakes are part of our heritage and should not be put at risk of radioactive contamination.
Whatever the nuclear industry claims, there is no known safe way to deal with nuclear waste. The nuclear industry has failed to come up with a way to guarantee that the waste store or surrounding rocks will contain radioactivity for hundreds of thousands of years. And examples from around the world -- like Drigg in the UK and CSM in LeHague, France -- show us that low level waste disposal sites are already leaking radiation into the environment, just decades after being built.
We can't let energy companies gamble away the planet's future.
Time and time again, SumOfUs members have called out governments who let corporations trash our shared natural resources. When over 130,000 of us signed a petition to the BC government demanding that it stop letting companies like Nestlé extract our precious groundwater for just $2.25 per million litres, political parties were forced to respond.
Now let's protect Lake Huron -- and our legacy to future generations.
Citizens ask court to stop nuclear waste burial site near Lake Huron, Hamilton Spectator, June 12 2015
Nuclear waste: 5 things to know about the Lake Huron bunker project, CBC News, 7 May 2015