Toronto's mayor John Tory is trying to destroy over 200 union jobs in the city by privatizing more of its garbage collection. The privatization, which started five years ago, resulted in hundreds of households not having their waste collected as the private company, GFL, tried to learn the ropes.
Torontonians deserve to have good garbage service and access to good union jobs.
Privatization puts profits before people and handing more of Toronto's garbage services to a corporation will only negatively affect everyday families.
Sign today to keep Toronto's garbage collection public!
Unions in the city have been very vocal about their opposition to the privatization and members of City Council are still undecided.
Mayor John Tory may have his mind made up about expanding the privatization of garbage collection but, if we put enough pressure on council, it can stop.
By working together we can keep food on family's tables and services in the hands of the public, where it belongs.
Sign now and prevent the privatization of Toronto's garbage system.
More information
The Star. 30 January 2017.