Three Chinese activists were investigating the China-based manufacturer that makes Ivanka Trump’s shoes over alleged labor abuses and were set to release a report in just a few weeks. All three have just gone mysteriously missing.
It’s presumed that all three have been detained by local police, but their families don’t know where they are or even if they’re healthy. The activists were investigating low pay, excessive overtime and bullying in the factory that makes Ivanka’s shoes, which often retail for more than $100.
The non-profit running the labor probe says that such an audacious move is unprecedented in 17 years of its investigations. “The only reason we think this case is different,” says their supervisor, “is that this is Ivanka Trump’s factory.”
Tell Ivanka Trump to condemn these “disappearings” and immediately cancel any contract with this manufacturer.
A preliminary report published by the three missing men said that workers are forced to put in 12½-hour shifts six days a week—and the pay for some workers amounts to less than a dollar an hour. It’s no secret that if this info came out—and whatever else these investigators witnessed—it would put one of the most powerful women in the world in a very bad light.
Donald Trump has been blustering all over the world about unfair trade practices—but now his own daughter appears to be benefiting from a brutal state-sponsored crackdown on the fight for fair working conditions.
Ivanka is already running out of places to sell her overpriced clothing after Nordstrom, Sears and Kmart all pulled her merchandise from their shelves. Now it’s time to show her that she can’t rely on a repressive state to suppress a report on the unfair labor practices that help her sell shoes.
Join us in demanding that Ivanka supports these missing labor activists and cut all ties to this factory.
More information
AP. 31 May 2017.
Washington Post. 31 May 2017.