A major scientific paper was just released showing bee-harming neonics are safe. The problem? The paper was published by a scientist on the payroll of pesticide giant, Syngenta.
Sowing doubt is exactly what these companies need to do to convince regulators and the public that we don’t urgently need to get bee-harming pesticides off our shelves. Without us fighting back now, regulators and the public are going to believe neonics are much safer than they really are. We need to come together now to push back -- the bees depend on it.
We’re going to launch a major media offensive and blanket the radio waves to make sure the public and decision-makers know this study is flawed -- and we’re going to make sure that each time these industry-funded scientists release a bogus new study, that we’re there to challenge them.
The bees depend on us. Can you chip in now?
More information
No proof neonics harm honeybee colonies when used properly: research
CTV News. 21 November 2017.
CTV News. 21 November 2017.
Big Agro on Campus
The Walrus. 11 April 2017.
The Walrus. 11 April 2017.