How much do you love Starbucks?

How much do you love Starbucks?

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Your Starbucks coffee break is likely to be contributing to deforestation, extinction of endangered tigers and orangutans, and abuses of workers and communities. That's because Starbucks is a purveyor of environment-wrecking palm oil in its tasty snacks.

Rainforests across Southeast Asia are being destroyed every day to make way for massive palm oil plantations, where workers, even children, are trapped in modern slavery to cultivate the vegetable oil. The clearing of these rainforests and peatlands is driving many species, like the orangutan and Sumatran tiger, to the brink of extinction, while simultaneously polluting the Earth's atmosphere by releasing gigatons of greenhouse gases.

Starbucks deserves to be put to task for this, which is why we made this (pretty cool!) video. But in order for that video to ramp up pressure on Starbucks, thousands of us need to share it all over the place.