This shouldn't be legal. Roaming charges within the EU were abolished last year, yet companies are still allowed to demand up to €1.50 a minute for calls between neighbouring countries. Their excuse is that they’d lose money otherwise, but an investigation by members of the European Parliament has found this just isn't true.
Right now, the EU Parliament is trying to pass regulation that would ban the price-gouging -- but the EU Commission is blocking their way. Telecom businesses have persuaded the Commission there’s “no need” to lower intra-EU call prices, but we know otherwise. We need your help to stand up to them and push this law through.
Tell the EU who calls the shots: people, not phone companies. Help end the exploitation and stand with us against the unfair charges.
Currently, some people in Belgium have to pay €1.50 a minute to call their neighbours in the Netherlands, while Lithuanians are subject to €0.83 a minute to ring relatives in Latvia. And the highest international call charges are usually linked to inexpensive phone contracts, meaning it’s lower-income citizens who get hit the hardest.
As justification for keeping the status quo, the EU Commission has pointed out that more and more of their customers are using internet-based services like Skype and WhatsApp -- so again, the people who can least afford high-volume data plans get punished the most.
The last round of negotiations on the price-gouging ban recently ended without success. Before new talks start mid-May, it's up to us to do everything we can to show the EU Commission we won't let the phone companies get their way. If not, there’s a good chance that they'll continue to exploit their most vulnerable customers.
SumOfUs members have already shown what people power can do when it comes to protecting European citizens’ interests against big business -- by standing up to the EU Commission, we’ve made huge strides in the fight against glyphosate and other deadly pesticides. Let’s come together once again and tell the Commission and big telecom that free movement in the EU applies to communication, too.
Back the European Parliament’s plan -- end the unfair charges on calls within the EU!
More information
After roaming: lower prices for international phone calls?
European Parliament. 3 October 2017.
European Parliament. 3 October 2017.
MEPs and Commission headed for showdown over international phone call rates
Euractive. 20 April 2018.
Euractive. 20 April 2018.