Help launch a boycott to stop Donald Trump - Test

Help launch a boycott to stop Donald Trump - Test

Donald Trump is a racist, a xenophobe, and a warmonger.

Trump has described Mexicans as "rapists" and "murderers." He's called for a total ban on Muslims entering the United States. He's described Syrian refugees as "snakes."

And he is now the Republican nominee for President of the United States.

As if that's not scary enough, consider that most likely the only person standing between him and the White House is Hillary Clinton, who would be the least popular Democratic presidential nominee in history.

People all over the world are freaking out at the prospect of this clown with his finger on the nuclear button. That's why SumOfUs is leading a global campaign to fight Trump by shutting off his sources of funding.

Every dollar spent at a Trump hotel or on Trump-brand clothing helps fund his campaign of hate. To fight back, we'll begin organizing protests against Trump properties from Vancouver to Scotland to the U.S.

Will you chip in to help jump-start this campaign with a wave of ads and events to get the word out?

Trump's foreign policies are as grotesque as his bigotry.

He openly supports the use of torture and the assassination of the civilian family members of individuals who attack the U.S. -- these are war crimes under the Geneva Conventions. He denies the existence of global warming.

But he's also the head of a multinational corporation -- and he's financing his campaign through income from global properties like the Turnberry Golf Course in Scotland and Trump Tower in Vancouver and through the sale of Trump-branded merchandise on

By helping to drive a consumer backlash against the properties, he relies on for income, we can cut off the fuel that's driving Trump's campaign of hate.

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