Could this year be the one where we sign away the right to keep crucial medicines affordable, protect our environment, and protect our rights at work?
Trade negotiators could agree to the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) very soon, but it's not too late to stop them.
TTIP is a corporate wish-list that is dangerous in many ways. But most frighteningly,it will let corporations sue national governments in secret courts if they think that a law is damaging to their profits.
From the very beginning, SumOfUs has been fighting this dangerous trade deal. It hasn't been easy, but despite the odds, we've made our message cut through.
We've only been able to do this because our movement is powered by regular SumOfUs members like you standing together.
But if we're to kill the TTIP once and for all, we need SumOfUs members to chip in so we have to resources to stay in the fight as long as it takes.
Can you chip in to boost the campaign against TTIP and fight the biggest corporate power grab of this generation?
Thanks so much for all that you do.