Have your say on climate action in Ontario today

Have your say on climate action in Ontario today

After the latest, damning report on climate change was released earlier this month, I was feeling disheartened, like many of us  -- especially living in Ontario under a Premier who is actively destroying all the current climate initiatives.  

But, there is some good news -- Doug Ford’s government has opened up a public consultation on a new climate plan. This is a big chance to let the PCs know that people in Ontario want real climate action now instead of pandering to the big polluters corporate agenda. 

To tackle climate change we need to completely rethink the way we live, from energy to transportation, food to land use. Below are a number of recommendations that you could add to your comments that take bold steps towards tackling climate change. Feel free to add your own recommendations. The more personalized it is, the better. Once you've pressed send, your comment will be submitted directly to the consultation website and to Environment Minister Phillips. 

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