One of the biggest handlers of radioactive and toxic waste has just received a permit to take in ten times more contaminated soil to its Detroit processing plant—in a largely African-American neighborhood that has repeatedly said it doesn’t want a poisonous soil dump in its community.
Michigan’s Governor Rick Snyder, the man responsible for the tragic Flint water crisis, sees no problem with allowing a massive corporation with a brutal safety record to truck in an unprecedented amount of toxic soil into a major metropolitan area.
U.S. Ecology, the giant corporation that operates the plant, has been found guilty of 150 violations since just 2010, including unlawful dumps of mercury and cyanide into public sewers. It is clear that Snyder and his administration have no problem with inviting the nation’s polluters into Michigan’s most vulnerable communities as long as it means profit for his corporate pals.
Tell Gov. Rick Snyder to stop picking on Detroit and cancel the new massive soil dump permit.
When SumOfUs supporters found out that Nestlé was trying to suck up millions of gallons of Michigan groundwater for just $200, nearly 400,000 of us stood up and said no to this corporate giveaway. Now the same governor is disregarding public health, ignoring elected officials and showing utter contempt for the community stuck with this tenfold increase in poisonous soil right in the middle of its neighborhood.
Gov. Snyder wants to take environmental problems from the gas fracking and automotive industries and shunt them onto his state’s most vulnerable and neglected populations—just like he did with Flint. By the time any health problems from contaminated soils surface in local communities, his term will be long gone and his buddies will have already cashed out. We have to stop this ridiculous permit right here.
Will you join us and demand that Gov. Snyder rescinds U.S. Ecology’s tenfold increase in contaminated soil?
More information
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation.
Detroit Free Press. 10 September 2017.