The white nationalist news org that helped put Donald Trump in the White House is launching an audacious global expansion plan to tilt the crucial 2017 elections in France and Germany. And Google is still happy to lend its advertising budget to the cause.
Over 200 corporations including including BMW, Dutch Telecom (owned by T-Mobile) and Kellogg's have already refused to advertise with Breitbart News—home of the so-called ‘alt-right’ that elected Trump—out of disgust over the hateful, divisive propaganda it publishes. We’re going to make Google the next to pull out.
In fact, Google may be violating its own hate speech policies for providing ads to Breitbart. Google’s AdSense publisher policy prohibits ‘hate speech...harassment, bullying, or similar content that advocates harm against an individual or group.’ Breitbart breaches every one of these with virtually every single page it publishes.
Tell Google to stop investing in hate. Don’t give Breitbart any more ads.
Google’s ad algorithms mean that businesses and organizations that advertise with Google’s AdSense could end up on Breitbart’s website and not even know it. Advertisers trust Google to only place their logos and brands on pages that conform to Google policy. Imagine their horror when they discover they’ve been funding Breitbart’s white nationalist rants that include anti-LGBTQ+ screeds and calling women on birth control ‘sluts’.
A grassroots campaign has already made enormous strides and put huge pressure on advertisers to say no to Breitbart’s hate. Google is already feeling that same pressure. If we came together and forced the world’s largest search engine to stop investing in hate, it would stop Breitbart’s global expansion campaign in its tracks.
Join us and say no to funding the politics of division. Demand Google pull its advertising from Breitbart.
More information
The Guardian. 15 November 2016.
NBC. 5 December 2016.
13 December 2016.
LA Times. 7 December 2016.
NY Times. 26 August 2016.