[Trigger warning: racist language]
GoFundMe, the world’s #1 personal fundraising site, is raising money for the cop who brutally shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown. And worse, the fundraiser is celebrating the teenager's brutal death -- and GoFundMe is profiting from it. That's why we're partnering with Color of Change on their campaign to stop this disgusting fundraiser immediately.
Tell GoFundMe to delete its shameful fundraising page immediately and return the profits it made off Mike Brown's death.
The fundraiser for Darren Wilson, the officer responsible for killing Michael Brown, has already raised over $400,000 for his potential legal fees, relocation costs and living expenses. What's worse -- now donors are receiving tax receipts for their hateful donations.
The comments on the fundraising page are ultimate proof of why we have to stop this hateful effort now:
“I thank all Police…protecting normal Americans from aggressive and entitled primitive savages."
“Let this ‘GoFundMe' serve as an example to all cops in America: The general public will support you, especially if you pull the trigger on violent criminal thugs.”
Cops that commits acts like this will always be supported, but these vicious comments remind us of how far we have to go as a country in undoing our racist history. This fundraiser has become a touchstone for white supremacists wanting to support Officer Wilson simply because he shot a black teenager -- and the fact that GoFundMe is enabling that hatred is unconscionable.
Can you tell GoFundMe to delete the fundraiser immediately and return the profits?
So far, GoFundMe is defending its fundraising page, But its own Terms Of Service prohibit "items that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime.” It’s clear this fundraiser crosses the line.
After a massive public outcry GoFundMe took down the hateful comments listed above -- but refuses to take the pages down. We know GoFundMe is feeling the pressure. If enough of us come together now, we can force GoFundMe to take down this page for good, and return any money it has made from this tragedy.
Profiting off the killing of Michael Brown is disgusting. With the entire country paying attention, we can pressure GoFundMe to end this disturbing fundraising effort once and for all.
For more information:
Darren Wilson GoFundMe: Despite boycott threats, 4chan, money pours in for Mike Brown Shooter. International Business Times, August 25 2014