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Environment Canada approved the production of a GM Atlantic salmon in late 2013. This approval occurred without public consultation. The technology poses grave risks to wild Atlantic salmon populations (which are already at risk) due to the threat of genetic contamination. Environment Canada should not have approved it for these reasons. Health Canada's approval, which would accept GM salmon for human consumption in Canada, is the last barrier to the large scale development of GM salmon. Please say no to GM salmon for the sake of our oceans and our wild salmon populations.
GM salmon has been developed without public and aboriginal consultation and evidence shows that it could harm wild salmon populations through genetic contamination. Environment Canada has already approved the development of the fish, but Health Canada can still say no! Canadians care about transparency in the decision-making processes that affect their food, and they also care about wild salmon! The Canadian public has been left out of the process up until this point, and now it is time to take action to stop the GM salmon.
More Information:
Genetically Engineered Salmon. Ocean Conservancy.
Genetically modified salmon eggs approved commercially . CBC, November 25th, 2013.