Covid-19 is unprecedented global challenge that requires us to be more and do more for each other than we ever imagined. That’s why SumOfUs members are setting an example--we're pledging to love each other from a distance, even though it’s hard. To act responsibly by practising social distancing, even in the face of inaction from our world's leaders. We know music fuels movements for change, so we started with a song to reinforce our pledge.
Hundreds of SumOfUs members from around the globe sang and recorded “Get Good” to help us inspire our leaders to act with us. Now we need you, to pledge, share, and help make our message go viral. Check out the video below and sign & share the Get Good Pledge today!
Get Good Pledge:
We pledge to love each other in a new way. We understand that controlling this virus, and thus saving our economies, requires us to think and act differently than we ever have.
It requires us to work together and for each other, even if we don’t know each other. So for as long as it takes, we will love each other from a distance, we will wear masks in public, and we will read and share science-based information about Covid-19.
We ask our conscious leaders to follow our lead, and leave those politicians refusing to protect public health with no choice but to do the same.