Newsflash: Deliveroo is STILL ripping off its staff, making them work greater hours for not-so-great pay and conditions.
The corporation just announced they’ll be taking orders from the world-famous Galvin at Windows, perched on the 28th floor of the London Hilton at Park Lane.
The glamorous high-end restaurant made its name as a place for fine dining -- but Galvin’s has become known for its social conscience, funding programmes for young people and setting up its own charity foundation, Galvin’s Chance.
That’s why we’re hoping that Galvin’s will pay attention to the plight of Deliveroo’s overworked, underpaid riders, and do the right thing.
Galvin at Windows: tell your partner Deliveroo to start treating its staff fairly, or you’ll end your partnership!
Deliveroo, which launched from a London flat in 2013, has seen its stock soar in recent years.
But its riders have often been left out of this success story, with tales of awful working conditions, pay cuts and overworked staff dogging the company.
Riders held strike action in London last year, to protest against a new contract which would have seen them take home less than half of what they already do.
The restaurant’s own rise is littered with stories of community outreach, and a sense that it cares about doing the right thing.
That’s why we think we have a chance to get Galvin at Windows on side with the campaign to call out Deliveroo to pay its staff a decent wage.
100,000 SumOfUs members like you fought against the ‘Uberisation’ of the economy, when Uber’s drivers were found to be working in awful conditions in London.
Now with Deliveroo using every trick in the book to deny its workers their rights, it’s time partners like Galvin at Windows disavowed these shady practices and came out in support of Deliveroo’s riders, who are the lifeblood of the company.
Galvin at Windows: tell your partner Deliveroo to start treating its staff fairly, or you’ll end your partnership!
More information
Harper's Bazaar . 12 October 2016.