This is chilling: Theresa May’s government wants to give private security giants G4S and Serco the power to arrest.
The Ministry of Justice is trying to put through a £300 million privatisation deal that would give private security staff the same powers as Civilian Enforcement Officers. But until now these officers could seize property and enforce fines -- under the new proposal, they’ll be able to execute warrants of arrest and detention.
There’s no public demand for this: these reforms are being pushed solely by this government’s ideological zeal for privatisation, lining the pockets of their friends in big business.
Tell the Ministry of Justice to scrap these chilling proposals!
Courts can already authorise private bailiffs to a person’s home to seize possessions -- but this latest proposal would be a huge expansion of their powers. If the move goes ahead, it represents another wave of private encroachment into the public sector.
G4S and Serco don’t have the best track record when it comes to carrying out the duties of its contracts, with staff previously accused of violence, sexual assault, and even manslaughter, as with the case of Jimmy Mubenga, a 46-year old man who died during a deportation carried out by G4S security.
Under this government’s crushing austerity programmes, privatisation is the one-size-fits all answer to budget shortages. We can’t look away while our services are gutted from the inside-out.
MoJ: don’t give private corporations the power to arrest!
SumOfUs members like you have taken the government to task over its zeal at awarding G4S contract after contract before. Last year, we clubbed together to shine the spotlight on the home office handing G4S a contract to run its discrimination helpline.Let’s come together again and say no with one voice to these proposals!
More information
Evolve Politics. 30 September 2017.