Geography quiz

Geography quiz

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Igneous rocks, oxbow lakes...once upon a time, we all had to learn about them. But how much can you still remember from your school geography lessons?

Take this quick quiz now to find out!

Here’s your first question: which of these towns is furthest south?

Next - which one of these is an oxbow lake? [step away from Google]

Question 3 - fill in the gap: Nowhere in the UK is more than _ miles from the sea.

No person is an island, but this place definitely is. Which UK island do you think it is?

Size isn’t everything - but do you know which of these is the largest county in the UK?

And which of these is the UK’s second largest city? (We’re really not hung up on size!)

Which is the UK’s tallest mountain? (ok, we’re totally hung up on size).

Next question: which Scottish city is this?

And finally - which UK county does this flag belong to?

Thanks for taking the quiz! Before you get your result...

You seem to know your UK geography pretty well. But here’s one map they didn’t show you at school...

This map shows sites in the UK that have already been earmarked for fracking. Most people in the UK don’t want it to happen. But big oil companies are pushing hard for it - with no regard for those who might be affected.

Will you join thousands of SumOfUs members in the fight against this injustice - by signing the petition to make sure local people will still have a say in where fracking takes place?

Thanks! Here’s the petition:

Energy Minister Greg Clark - Don’t Make Fracking Easier In The UK!

TO: Greg Clark MP, and the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

Don't make it easier for fossil fuel giants to frack in the UK. Don’t allow fracking companies to drill without permission, and ensure local councils retain the right to make planning decisions on fracking.

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Top of the class you got x out of 9 answers right - A+!

Great effort: you got x out of 9 answers right.

Now, share the quiz to challenge your friends and see if they can beat you:

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SumOfUs members are working hard to keep big companies from exploiting our precious natural environment. Together, we know we can win the fight against fracking. But because our movement is 100% independent, we’re relying entirely on donations to make this campaign a success.

Will you chip in now and give SumOfUs members the resources they need to lobby hard against fracking in the UK?