Jan. 31, 2023 Update: We won! SumOfUs submitted the names of over 160,000 people opposing the Pebble Mine project during the U.S. Environmental Agency’s (EPA) comment period. And the EPA listened – the Agency used one of its rarely used regulations to protect Bristol Bay and stop the mining project once and for all.
The Pebble Mine is a massive open-pit copper and gold mining project that threatens the largest sockeye salmon run in the world, in Bristol Bay, Alaska. The Bristol Bay salmon fishery helps to feed the world, with an abundant, healthy sustainable source of wild seafood, and home to 15,000 much needed jobs for Alaskans.
Our friends at Earthworks, an organization that has worked with Alaska Native Tribes for over a decade to stop Pebble Mine, are asking SumOfUs members all around the world to sign a petition calling on the EPA to kill Pebble Mine once and for all.
Will you add your name to tens of thousands of SumOfUs members who have already spoken out against Pebble Mine?
The mine is extremely unpopular – 85% of Alaskans and 73% of Americans support the EPA’s decision to protect Bristol Bay.
The project also makes no financial sense: multiple studies have said the Pebble Project is not economically viable.
It’s people power that has stopped this mine so far -- tens of thousands of SumOfUs members called on mining giant Rio Tinto to pull out of Pebble Mine, and thousands more chipped in to get Alaskan Native leaders to Rio Tinto’s annual shareholder meeting in London. And because of your help, Rio Tinto announced that it would divest from Pebble Mine just as the Native leaders arrived to make a huge media show.
Please take action to ask the EPA to reject Pebble mine now.
Your ongoing action has helped fight other destructive mining companies before. Because of your support, we helped Maxima Acuna stop Newmont Mining's mine development in Peru. Her heroic efforts won her the Green Nobel Prize. And because of your work, OceanaGold’s lawsuit against El Salvador has been dismissed -- a lawsuit that threatened the country’s last source of drinkable water.
When we stand together, we can stop mining companies from destroying our ecosystem and local communities. Please take action now.
This petition was updated June 2022 with support from Earthworks
More information
NRDC. 7 December 2021.
New York Times. 25 May 2022.