Enterprise Rent-a-Car

Enterprise Rent-a-Car must leave ALEC. Now.

Enterprise Rent-a-Car must leave ALEC. Now.

114 signatures
86 signatures until 200
A shadowy lobbying network of politicians and big business just got a new paid-up member: Enterprise Rent-a-Car. 

ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) fights hard for vested interests -- promoting laws to cut taxes, privatize education, weaken unions, oppose health reform, relieve gun control, ignore climate change and anything else that puts profits before people. 

Now Enterprise Rent-a-Car is quietly joining this corporate club, and it's even confessed it’s to resist paying taxes.  

Enterprise Rent-a-Car pose as an ethical company, planting trees and using hybrids. So putting its lot in with ALEC is hypocrisy, pure and simple. Let’s call them out now together. 

Tell Enterprise Rent-a-Car to leave this shadowy, corporate lobbying network.

ALEC’s practices are so controversial that even Amazon, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Walmart left years ago in protest. But while most don’t want anything to do with it, Enterprise Rent-a-Car is jumping on board! 

Together we’re strong enough to shame Enterprise Rent-a-Car in to leaving too. When 90,000 of us told Google to leave ALEC, they did! If we can move Google, we can move Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

Enterprise Rent-a-Car prides itself on its brand, and will do anything to protect it. So if we can cause a stir, it won’t risk the fallout from staying in ALEC. We just need enough of us to add our names. 

Enterprise Rent-a-Car can’t get away with this hypocrisy. Sign the petition now and get them to leave ALEC immediately. 

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