End of Year Survey

Thanks for taking the SumOfUs survey! It should only take 2 minutes, so let’s dive in…
First of all, we’d love to know – which campaign win were you most proud of in 2019?
Thanks! Next, what was the most memorable SumOfUs action you have taken part in this year?
And how do you feel when you take part in a SumOfUs campaign?
Almost there. Tell us, what campaign you would like to see more of in 2020?
And lastly, did you know that SumOfUs never accepts funding from corporations or government?

Thank you for telling us your views!

SumOfUs only exists because millions of us, from every part of the world, come together to challenge corporate greed and injustice.

That’s why we never take a penny from governments or corporates. We’re a people-powered movement, campaigning on the issues that matter to all of us.

Could you help make sure we can keep fighting for justice in 2020, by making a small donation? It only takes a minute.