In America, shortly after release, undocumented children were rushed to an emergency room and diagnosed with pneumonia. In Australia and the UK, women and youth seeking asylum have reported horrific stories of rape and sexual abuse at the hands of detention center staff.
Terrible conditions inside these prisons is not just an issue for one country. It is a global epidemic and our governments are complicit in it.
Hold our world leaders accountable and demand they close detention facilities and end contracts with private prison corporations.
With little government oversight, corporations like the US-based GEO Group make billions off government contracts. Meanwhile asylum-seeking mothers and their children sit behind bars; experiencing mental and emotional cruelty along with poor medical treatment. Families are trapped and afraid, forced to endure trauma many of us could never imagine.
Sign the petition and demand that our governments stop victimizing children and put an end to immigration detention.
It’s time to take a stand as global citizens. No human being is illegal, and it’s time we stop these policies.
More information
The Nauru files: cache of 2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse of children in Australian offshore detention
The Guardian. 10 August 2016.
The Guardian. 10 August 2016.
Private Prison Companies Ready to Cash In on Throwing Out Immigrants
The Daily Beast. 18 November 2016.
The Daily Beast. 18 November 2016.