Superannuation companies are making billions every year by charging for insurance policies that don’t protect casual workers. Most Australian workers have super funds which offer life insurance on an ‘opt out’ basis. But these insurance policies discriminate against casual workers.
The funds apply a tougher claims threshold for casuals. Casual workers might miss out on compensation where a permanent worker wouldn’t - even though they work the same hours and pay the same premiums.
CommInsure is one such insurer. When Eva Thornley of Sydney had a 60 kilogram safe fall on her foot at work, she suffered a severe injury. Then CommInsure denied her claim because she was a casual. This is discrimination, pure and simple. It’s not fair.
CommInsure: stop discriminating against casual workers.
Around a quarter of Australian workers are casual. These workers deserve the same protections in case an injury affects their ability to work in the future. But insurers don't seem to care. And because the insurance is 'opt out', most people are paying for it even if they don't want it. But we have an opportunity. Many superannuation funds and insurers are affiliated with banks - and banks care about their brand. They might love profiting from selling junk insurance. But they would hate to be seen as practising discrimination. CommInsure is part of CommBank. CommBank shouldn’t be supporting discrimination against casual workers. And if enough of us speak out, we can pressure CommInsure to make a change.
Sign the petition against discrimination against casual workers.
More information
The ABC. 17 March 2017.