Tell your super fund: save the skate

Tell your super fund: save the skate

Coles and Woolies are facing world first shareholder resolutions aimed at preventing an extinction event. At Woolies' AGM (Oct 31) and Coles' AGM (Nov 12) shareholders will be asked to vote on whether the supermarkets should stop buying salmon from Macquarie Harbour in Lutruwita/Tasmania and give the endangered Maugean Skate a fighting chance to survive.

If Coles and Woolies stop buying salmon from Macquarie Harbour the salmon industry will stop farming in the harbour because it won’t be financially viable.

Do you have retirement savings in a superannuation fund? If so, you probably have shares in Coles and Woolies. Your super fund will vote on these resolutions so this is your opportunity to tell your fund how to represent your investment. Use our easy tool below to email your super fund and ask it to vote FOR the resolutions to save the skate.

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