Email your MP: protect our communities from Cummings' plan

Email your MP: protect our communities from Cummings' plan

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It's all go -- Dominic Cummings' scheming has paid off. The government has published its plan to tear up England's system of rules and regulations for new homes, offices and factories. 

We need a furious backlash from MPs, so Boris sees he will never get the plans voted through. MPs will be back in Parliament in just a few weeks -- let’s show them voters don’t back Cummings' disastrous plan. 

Write politely in your own words, but don’t worry. Your MP won’t expect you to be an expert! Remember, we’re trying to get MPs across all parties to stand up to Johnson and Cummings’ plan -- your MP might already agree with us. 

Say why this matters to you personally as one of their constituents -- you could mention:

To get started, simply type your postcode in the box at the bottom of this page to find your MP. Then:

  1. Add your own subject line
  2. Introduce yourself as one of their constituents 
  3. Write your email
  4. Choose which email client you use (if you don't know - click 'Manual')
  5. You'll be redirected to your email client, and your email will appear as a draft 
  6. Hit send!
  7. Please forward any responses you get to