Email your MEP: No more Insurance For Fossil Fuels! Adopt the "One-for-One" rule

Email your MEP: No more Insurance For Fossil Fuels! Adopt the "One-for-One" rule

Last month, members like you sent over a thousand emails to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) asking them to protect our futures with the “One-for-One” rule. And your pressure is working.

We got direct feedback from allied MEPs that your messages are being received and having an impact on their peers. But you’re not the only ones to speak to MEPs- insurance lobbies are very present in the European Parliament.

The vote is supposed to happen this month but negotiations are dragging on as leading conservative MEPs like Ferber are doing their best to block all positive progress. We need to apply pressure now to make sure opposed and undecided MEPs only accept a deal that puts people and the planet first.

Time is ticking: Send an email to key influential MEPs to ask them to put people’s interest over the interest of insurance companies. 

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